My love for all things beautiful was a defining characteristic from a very early age


Innovative, gifted yet unambitious, that was me, as a young girl of 15 in Mumbai, India. I found a mentor, confidante and philosopher in my grandad. It was he, who pushed me to get into our family business of Jewelry, set up by my uncles. The business proved to be my first step towards my lifelong romance with jewelry. I put my heart and soul to learn the fine art and intricacy of making timeless jewelry. My relentless effort lead me to head two stores and manage seventy employees. With my eagerness to learn and consistent accomplishments, I soon came to be known for not only my effective public relations but, also my sincerity. Our jewelry was the talk of the town and I became popular and sought-after in the jewelry buyers circle in Mumbai. Consequently, I started working closely with Bollywood celebrities by styling them on the red carpet.

Working in Mumbai was not what destiny had in store for me, as California was calling. I moved there with a big leap of faith and married my husband who has become my biggest pillar of strength and unwavering support. I had no plans to setup shop in California, but as fate would have it, an old client back home came looking for me to help him design jewelry for his daughters impending wedding. I referred him back to the store in Mumbai, but he insisted that I conduct the designing, since whenever he thought of Jewelry, he thought of me. Moved by the trust and faith bestowed upon me, I could not overlook his request and that’s when it all started once again; only this time it was for ME. Now, thirty years in the business have rolled by with passion, commitment, and dedication to what I Love – Jewels and Jewelry.

With one satisfied customer already in place, many offers soon followed to create contemporary, customized jewelry and that was my career rebirth, which in 2015, I christened, Jewels by Mala, Inc. This time my journey was my own which lead me into the magical and bedazzling world of Jewelry. Many designs, innovations and craftsmanship later, I still find myself recreating a part of me with my art & finesse, in order to design unique and flawless pieces of Jewelry which will remain with you forever.

I make all my jewelry with a sense of commitment & sentiment, hoping it will be treasured with joy. My jewels are a timeless collection, which appeals to all ages, there is a part of jewelry one can own at any age and keep forever.

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For Appointments: +1 714-815-0820